Secure Customary Land Rights

Over 2.5 billion and women hold 65% of the world's land under land under customary tenure. These lands among other use form the backbone of the community's livelihood and identity as well. However, only one fifth of these lands are legally owned by indigenous peoples and communities. In Africa, 90% of these lands remain undocumented. 

In Malawi 65%-75% is held under customary tenure. The lack of legal documentation of customary lands leaves them vulnerable to land grabs by various state and non-state actors. Not only does this jeopardize the ability of over 2 million smallholder farmers who cultivate the land but also undermines climate change adaptation efforts due to the negative impact uncertain security of tenure has on long term investments on land. 

Through the Customary Land Act of 2016 ( Amended 2021), customary lands can be registered in Malawi either individually or collectively to legally secure their interests to the land. The coalition was instrument in advocating for the passing of the then bills into acts (under LandNet Malawi). The coalition believes in the rights of communities to secure their lands and participate in the processes that determine what happens on their land. 

The coalition makes its mark in this regard through ongoing support to awareness raising and capacity building of stakeholders on the provisions that support land titling of customary lands. Furthermore, the coalition is looking at going further and supporting government initiatives in the actual titling of land which involves adjudication, demarcation and mapping of land parcels.